Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My goals for presentation No.2

PAL for my Presentation No.2:

Purpose - I want to demonstrate to the audience about "How to..." do something. For this presentation, I decided to do a more academic topic than presentation No.1: How to be yourself and stay calm in any situation.

Audience - My teacher Marc and the 8 classmates in the AEP class at ICU.

Logistics - 5 min. max + short Q&A with the slides with visuals and keywords to help me with my presentation.

1. Preparation/Rehearsal
First, I want research to find out more about my topic. Also, I would like to write down the ideas related to my topic based on my past experiences. Then I would make an outline to get the base of my presentation. In contrast to presentation No.1, I will use time for rehearsing my presentation because it is longer and also because I want to see how different I am with my habits in front of the audience when I rehearse and not rehearse as much.

2. Content / Overall Impression
Overall, I would keep the slides and the presentation itself as simple as possible because it is especially important that the audience remembers most of the points I say. Although being yourself and staying calm is difficult, I will try to explain how to accomplish that in a few steps.

3. Voice
I think my voice was fairly well in presentation No.1 so I want to keep that up. However there are points where I can improve, such as emphasizing the main points even more and speaking out to the audience.(=not just saying what you memorized)

4. Body Language
Standing still and keeping my Hands in the right position. I realized that I move alot and keep looking at the screen as if I am talking to the screen. And I use my hands in a weird way. Therefore, I would like to stay calm and relaxed to get the audience to fully concentrate on my presentation, not my actions.

5. Visuals
Simple slides to help the audience understand my presentation. Maybe some humorous slides to keep their attention.

1 comment:

  1. It was a good presentation, even though you are talking about a complex, difficult "how to" topic. Great voice tone and hand gestures and your points were clear and it motivated me!

    Suggestions: Maybe speak a bit slower, and emphasize your points more since it was a pretty difficult topic to follow!
