Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Powerpoint for Presentation No.2

Reflective Comments:

As an overall impression, I felt I could do not my best. Regarding the context, I thought I had a very interesting topic, but it turned I did not have enough to time to inform my presetation. In other words, my topic was a bad choice. Some of the comments stated that some parts were hard to understand so I failed to achieve one of my goals; to successfully deliver my message so the audience can easily understand m presentation.
As for the others,I realized I had been looking at my script throughout the presentation. This was probably caused by my lack of preparation time. Although I practiced a lot beforehand, I lost confidence when I stood in front of the classd. I could not emphasize the points and pause at the important parts to advocate my main points. To add, I could not use body language because I was holding my script.
As a result,I did not achieve my goals for this presentation. However, I found some good points after looking at the video. One was the fact that I was able to catch the audience's attention in the introduction; but only the inroduction(since my body was confusing) And the other is that I did not studder as much as I had been. Since I talk fast, I tend to studder alot in my presentation; but I was able to speak smoothly overall. (maybe because I had the script???)
The Q&A went very well in my opinion. I went straight to the Q&A right after my presentation then ended smoothly. But I felt that I had more time for Q&A to get used to it more.

Goals for my future presentation:

1. Choose a topic which is easier to understand and appropriate for the time alloted.
2. Not read the script as much.
3. Use more body gesture to emphasize.
4. Practice and prepare at an earlier time.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My goals for presentation No.2

PAL for my Presentation No.2:

Purpose - I want to demonstrate to the audience about "How to..." do something. For this presentation, I decided to do a more academic topic than presentation No.1: How to be yourself and stay calm in any situation.

Audience - My teacher Marc and the 8 classmates in the AEP class at ICU.

Logistics - 5 min. max + short Q&A with the slides with visuals and keywords to help me with my presentation.

1. Preparation/Rehearsal
First, I want research to find out more about my topic. Also, I would like to write down the ideas related to my topic based on my past experiences. Then I would make an outline to get the base of my presentation. In contrast to presentation No.1, I will use time for rehearsing my presentation because it is longer and also because I want to see how different I am with my habits in front of the audience when I rehearse and not rehearse as much.

2. Content / Overall Impression
Overall, I would keep the slides and the presentation itself as simple as possible because it is especially important that the audience remembers most of the points I say. Although being yourself and staying calm is difficult, I will try to explain how to accomplish that in a few steps.

3. Voice
I think my voice was fairly well in presentation No.1 so I want to keep that up. However there are points where I can improve, such as emphasizing the main points even more and speaking out to the audience.(=not just saying what you memorized)

4. Body Language
Standing still and keeping my Hands in the right position. I realized that I move alot and keep looking at the screen as if I am talking to the screen. And I use my hands in a weird way. Therefore, I would like to stay calm and relaxed to get the audience to fully concentrate on my presentation, not my actions.

5. Visuals
Simple slides to help the audience understand my presentation. Maybe some humorous slides to keep their attention.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Introduction ACTP Analysis

Attention-Getter: Very Good
I do not know if it is just me but just by his deep, clear voice gets my attention. Greene starts by telling a historic story about Kaluza, a mathematician who theorized that the are more dimentions in space than the naked eye can see.(That seems very interesting). He talks about famous scientists(Einstein, Newton) that everyone knows and asks questions about them and questions that are related to them to keep attention. He uses very easy to understand visuals that helps his explanation of his presentation context. And from time to time, he puts in simple jokes to keep the audience "awake." He uses questions when he wants to change the topic he wants to talk about.

Credibility: Not included

Topic: It is clearly stated that he is going to talk about a theory of a extra dimention of space which has been affecting the field of physics in the last century. In the middle of his presentation, he states that the theory is talking about is the "Super String Theory."

Preview of Points: At the beginning, he does not give the preview of his points but as he wants to change the topic and points in his presentation, he asks the audience questions to make them think and to also refreshen their minds and move on to a new claim.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Goals for Presentation No.1

Purpose - To get used to speaking in front of an audience since I have not done a presentation for a while. Therefore, I decided to choose a fairly relaxed topic. Also, I want to tell a message with some jokes to the audience.
Audience -8 AEP students and teacher at ICU.
Logistics - 3min. limit, computer, project with about 5 slides max.

1. Preparation/Rehearsal
I will use my experience to brainstorm about my topic and write it down on a piece of paper. Then, I will group them to fit the slides. Lastly, I will make my slides clear and easy to read. I will intentionally not do a rehersal to see how much I can do without having much preparation time. No notes.

2. Content / Overall Impression
I want the audience to see the basic differences of a "mom" bicycle and a drop-handle bar bicycle that I have. Also, look at the merits and demerits the bicycle has. From this message, I want to conclude by saying that cycling is an enjoyable and relaxing outdoor activity but also emphasize that you should follow the rules and remember safety first.

3. Voice
I want to speak in a relaxed low toned voice in order to clearly state my message. To add, since I talk fairly fast in conversation, my other goal is to speak in a slow voice.

4. Body Language
Since I tend to move alot in presentations, I want to keep still and use my hands and face to fully express my message to the audience. Also, although it is a basic step, I want to make sure I will use my body language the most when I want to emphasize the main points.

5. Visuals
I want to use slides that are simple, easy to view, and to the point.

Presentation No.1 Reflections and Self-Analysis

1. Successfully achieved purpose / main message?

Reflection: My message was to adress the audience mainly about the merits as well as the demerits of my drop handle bar bicycle. Then I conclude by saying that altough it may be dangerous, cycling is a relaxing and an enjoyable activity to do. However I felt it was not well delivered as I expected to be.

Ideas for Improvement: Do more rehersals to make sure I know what I am talking about and what I want to tell the audience. Also, be a little more formal in order to adress my main points of the presentation.

2. Use of voice? (rhythm, emphasis, pausing, variation)

Reflection: I wanted to stay calm and speak fairly slow with a low toned voice. Also, since it was supposed to be a little humourous, I wanted to speak as if I was talking with the audience while I was presenting. I felt I was able to do that but it seemed that I could have spoken in a more formal way.

Ideas for Improvement: Speak with more passion(and confident voice) as if I was speaking to a big audience. Rehersal several times to see if I have variations in my voice and to make sure I am emphasizing my main points.

3. Use of body language? (posture, gestures, eyes, face)

Reflection: I wanted to keep still since it was one of my habits to move around a little but I failed to do that. I also failed to keep my hands still when I didn't want to emphasize anything. I was looking too much at the slides on the screen so I felt it would be hard for me to deliver the message since I was "talking to the screen." In addition, I was smiling most of the time so I will need to fix that.

Ideas for Improvement: Practice in front of a small audience to fix my habits of moving my body and hands when they are not necessary. As for my eyes, it may be good trying to talk to the wall at the back of the class in order to keep them from looking at the screen too much. Maybe choose a more serious topic next time to see if I can change my facial expression depending on the tone, theme, context of the presentation.

4. Use of visuals?

Reflection: I thought my slides were simple to understand and used good backgrounds to emphasize what I wanted to say. But as I have been saying, I want to see if I can make slides to fit any topics I choose to do.

Ideas for Improvement: Choose various topic in order to get used to making different kinds of visuals depending on the theme of the presentation. Practice with slides I made and keep editing it until I can get comfortable with it. But keep in mind that the visuals are for the audience and their guide to keep track of the presentation.

5. Preparation & rehearsal process?

Reflection: I purposely did not rehearse because I wanted to see how much I could do without much preparation. I felt I did pretty well but I looked at the screen too much.(maybe because I did not feel comfortable with my presentation yet)